
Oman Vision 2040: Renewable Energy Program

1. Project initiation

1.1. To consider the scope of the problem

Renewable energy utilization in Oman is a topic with growing interest by the Omani government and the private sector. The existing renewable energy resources, which can be used as an energy alternative and eco-friendly energy systems, needs further research, development, planning and awareness. This initiative presents a step in the direction toward renewable energy vision of Oman 2040 along with a detailed discussion with regards to sustainable energy, energy sources, technologies, building capacity, and strategic planning, all with relation to the vision.

1.2. Goal

This goal is to be in line with the aims of the Oman vision 2040, aim to reduce the dependency on non-renewables and effectively develop resources such as renewable energy to lower production cost and enhance competitive element in economic sectors. Also, develop the infrastructures and building the human capacity of Omanis to meet the vision 2040.

1.3. Objectives

- Conduct scientific research to investigate renewable and sustainable energy sources parameters, options, and improve its applications in Oman.

- Establish a massive collection of research committed to improving sustainable power sources incorporation in Oman power and energy systems for private and public sectors.

- Assist, through research, governmental and private associations to arrive at the top of the line innovative improvements in the field of renewable and sustainable energy sources and technologies.

- Initiate scientific and technical discussion between researchers and experts in the renewable energy field with younger Omani researchers.

- Increase Oman community awareness toward renewable energy.

1.4. Phases of the work

- Establish a database of resources that are useful to conduct research and development in Oman.

- Start local and international collaborations to brainstorm and carryout projects to fulfill the aims of the initiative.

- Plan for targeted efforts to achieve the main aims and goals of Oman’s vision 2040 with relation to the energy sector and to renewable energies in particular.

- Acquire funding for research projects centered around solutions for Oman’s energy situation.

- Carryout colloquiums and public talks to enrich the discussion around the topic of Oman’s vision 2040 in Renewable Energy.

- Update the work structure annually, according to the changes that occur in the energy and renewable energy industry.

1.5. Conceptual framework

To generate technical reports and research data that will serve research and development in Oman. The focus of research should be in original research, case studies, technical reports and other mediums to aid fellow researchers in acquiring useful information and data for their own research studies. Moreover, collaborations will encourage and open the door to create local and international joint research and funding which will be helpful to boost research in Oman.

1.6. Community awareness campaign

- Increase the awareness of the public about renewable energy vision 2040 for Oman.

- Increase the awareness of the public about different types of renewable energy and how to be part of the new vision.

- Contribute to the development of local people by providing the needed energy which will help them socially, economically, culturally, and educationally.

- Raises the standard of living of the people living in rural areas, by providing them with energy solutions to get clean water, preserve their foods and enjoy a healthier life.

- Contribute to the current energy policy in Oman.

- Develop a team of researchers who are aware of the needs of the Omani energy and environment.

 1.7 Family of Omani younger researchers

This family or group focus on the Omani younger researchers interested in renewable energy from different levels (i.e. undergraduate, fresh graduate and postgraduate). The group will work together as a family to collect and analyze related data, training and increase awareness, discuss, and collaborate toward the vision 2040. This group will prepare the new generation to participate positively when Oman is approaching 2040 based on education, knowledge, experience, and new ideas.

Note: to be part of this family, click “Follow” to this project in RG.

2. Communications

The communications are to be released on Volume 2, Issue 2 of the newsletter (next issue).

2.1. Founders meeting

2.2. Drafting first letter of communications

2.3. Approval of the project objectives and scope


3. Annual Report

The first annual report has been set to be released on the 30th of September 2021.

3.1. Publishing the first Oman2040 Annual report

3.2. Setting suitable venues to distribute the report

3.3. Preparing follow up of report for the Oman2040 newsletter

4. Seasonal Newsletter

4.1. Objectives and scope of the newsletter

4.2. Primary components

4.3. Newsletter management and logistics

5. Annual Address

5.1. Future plans and recommendations

5.2. Main findings and achievements of the first year

5.3. Video of the annual address

Note: This initiative is personal and voluntary and is not supported or legislated by any governmental or private entity, and it expresses the opinion of its organizers (specialists and experts), and the purpose of this initiative is to raise awareness of renewable energy development in the Sultanate of Oman.
